Greetings Dear Church Family!

Wow! It looks like we’ll finally be able to meet all together again, albeit in restricted ways!

We are planning to resume live, in person worship services this Sunday (July 5) beginning at 10:30 am. Here are some of the changes that you’ll encounter, should you choose to join us. (Please keep in mind that the government regulations are subject to change!)

-We are requesting that everyone (except those with medical conditions/disabilities, or children age 11 & below) wear a face covering while indoors. Please bring your own, but if you don’t have one, we will have some provided.

-Please follow the six-foot social distancing guidelines. To this end, some pews will be blocked off with tape. Please do not sit in these pews. Families may sit together.

-Communion trays will not be passed. Pre-packaged communion cups, containing both a wafer & grape juice, will be available at tables set up in the front sides of the auditorium. You may partake while at the table, then immediately dispose of the cup in the trash can. Please maintain social distancing while waiting in line.

-No offering plates will be passed. Two new locked offering boxes will be mounted on the wall at both auditorium exits. You may place your offering in either box at any point during the morning.

-There will be no children’s ministry for the foreseeable future. However, activity packets will be available.

-There will be no paper bulletins. Announcements will play on the overhead screen, or be posted on the church Facebook page & website.

-Please do not congregate in the foyer! Weather permitting, if you would like to visit with people, please do that outside!

-Please refrain from hugging or handshaking. This will be very hard for some people, but it is important to limit the spread of this virus. However, waving or nodding your head at someone is perfectly acceptable!

-If you use the water fountain, please use the paper cups provided & dispose of them after use.

-All common use surfaces will be disinfected prior to the worship service.

-Jim’s message will continue to be published online via video on Facebook & YouTube; however, he will also be preaching the same message live during our worship service.